Joya de Nicaragua Cabinetta Corona Gorda Best Nicaraguan Cigars mark yet another noteworthy innovation in the cigar world by utilizing two different wrapper leaves in one. A dark Nicaraguan Criollo adorns the tip while a light hued Ecuadorian shade wrapper covers the rest of the body. Inside rests a bunch of long fillers from Nicaragua as well. Precise blending and expert craftsmanship make this cigar a solid one with a smooth profile and a medley of different flavors. Notes of cocoa, earth, tobacco all come together to create a savory mild to medium bodied smoking experience. The finish is remarkably spicy. The Joya de Nicaragua Cabinetta Corona Gorda are handcrafted in the size of 5 1/4 x 46. They are sold in boxes of 20. To buy these twisted cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price. Joya Cabinetta is different.