Joya de Nicaragua Cabinetta Churchill Cigars Nicaraguan Criollo Wrapper are solid hand rolled premiums with a distinct trait. It features dual wrappers on its body, one is a shade grown Ecuadorian leaf that goes up till the band and another one is a dark Nicaraguan Criollo leaf that adorns the tip. Inside remains a chosen blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos. All of them create a smoke displaying distinct characteristics from their different wrappers. The smoke has mild to medium body profile with a medley of complex flavors and aromas. It treats the palate with nuances of cocoa, earth, tobacco that finally culminates into a spicy finish. Smooth and creamy these are just perfect for any relaxed evening. The Joya de Nicaragua Cabinetta Churchill Cigars are handcrafted in the size of 6 7/8 x 48. They are sold in boxes of 24. To buy these twisted cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.