Are you ready to elevate your cigar collection? The Joya de Nicaragua Black Double Robusto brings something extraordinary to the table. For the first time, Joya de Nicaragua combines their renowned craftsmanship with a dark Mexican San Andres Negro wrapper, creating a smoking experience like no other.
From the first draw, this cigar introduces a captivating blend of dried fruit, dark chocolate, coffee, and cedar. The flavors are bold yet perfectly balanced, ensuring a pleasurable experience that never overpowers the palate. Whether you're a seasoned aficionado or new to Nicaraguan cigars, this medium-to-medium-full-bodied gem appeals to all cigar lovers.
Handcrafted to perfection, these 5 x 56 handmade beauties house rich Nicaraguan fillers and binders, reflecting the expertise and tradition synonymous with Joya de Nicaragua. Perfect for a celebratory occasion or a quiet evening by the fire, these cigars deliver unmatched quality you can depend on.
Each box of 20 ensures your humidor is stocked with some of Nicaragua's finest cigars at an unbeatable online price. Why settle for less when you can own a piece of premium cigar history?
Find the Joya de Nicaragua Black Double Robusto Cigars at Cuenca Cigars and enjoy incredible value. Secure your box today and experience the pinnacle of cigar craftsmanship.