Joya de Nicaragua Cigars
Joya de Nicaragua Antano Peligroso Cigars are dark looking extra strong cigars that are most suitable for seasoned palate. Crafted after 10 years of their first launch Joya de Nicaragua has added some punch to this blend. They have filled the core of this cigar with potent mix of aged Nicaraguan long fillers. A dark, shimmering Corojo wrapper that is fermented for a long period is utilized on the top of them. The outcome is a full bodied cigar that intensifies with each puff. These cigars burn smoothly releasing refined flavors of earth, cedar, cocoa, pepper and a sweet hint at the end. These Joya de Nicaragua Antano Peligroso Cigars are handcrafted in the size of 5 x 44. They come in boxes of 20. To buy these massive cigars place an order at Cuenca cigars and get the best online price.