Joya de Nicaragua Cigars
Introducing the Joya de Nicaragua Antano Pesadilla Cigars! After a decade since their initial launch, these cigars are back with a bang. Crafted with extra-strong tobaccos, they deliver a powerful smoke catered to the most seasoned enthusiasts.
The foundation of these cigars is built upon aged Nicaraguan long fillers, hidden beneath a dark and lustrous Corojo wrapper that has undergone an extra fermentation process. This remarkable blend culminates in a full-bodied cigar that exudes strength with every puff.
Prepare your palate for an indulgence of earthy, cedary, cocoa, and peppery notes that dominate the taste journey. And as you savor the last remnants of smoke, a delightful sweetness lingers on your palate, leaving you craving for more.
Handcrafted in the size of 4 3/4 x 60, these Joya de Nicaragua Antano Pesadilla Cigars are available in boxes of 20 or in Single Cigars. Ready to experience the magnificence of these gigantic cigars? Place your order now at Cuenca cigars and treat yourself to the best online price.