Joya de Nicaragua Antano Pesadilla Cigars are the second release of this brand after 10 years of their first launch. They crafted these cigars with extra strong tobaccos that impart a powerful smoke suitable for the most experienced smokers. The base of these cigars is made of aged Nicaraguan long fillers. They are concealed by a dark, lustrous Corojo wrapper that has been extra-fermented. This blend culminates into a full bodied cigar that shows its power with each puff. Earthy, cedary, cocoa, peppery notes dominate the palate during the smoke and a sweet taste is left on the palate upon the finish. These Joya de Nicaragua Antano Pesadilla Cigars are handmade in the size of 4 x 60. They come in boxes of 20. To buy these gigantic cigars place an order at Cuenca cigars and get the best online price.