Joya de Nicaragua Cigars
Joya de Nicaragua Antano La Niveladora Cigars boast meticulously aged Nicaraguan long fillers, infusing them with exceptional strength. Encased in a lustrous, dark Corojo wrapper, meticulously fermented for an extended duration, this blend exudes unparalleled power, delivering a full-bodied smoking experience. Crafted for the discerning aficionados longing for the authentic, robust Nicaraguan flavor, these cigars tantalize the senses with notes of earth, cedar, cocoa, and pepper. A true testament to the brand's illustrious reputation, these Joya de Nicaragua Antano La Niveladora Cigars, sized at an impressive 6 x 52, are meticulously hand-rolled and available in boxes of 20. Seize the opportunity to acquire these mighty cigars by placing your order at Cuenca cigars, where you'll find the best online prices.