Joya de Nicaragua Cigars
Joya de Nicaragua Antano La Niveladora Cigars pack in themselves long aged Nicaraguan long fillers that impart strength to them. They are wrapped in dark, shimmering Corojo wrapper. This wrapper is fermented for extra-long period. This blend has immense power which reflects in its full bodied smoke. These are apt for those seasoned connoisseurs who crave for authentic strong Nicaraguan taste. Notes of earth, cedar, cocoa, pepper further accentuate the pleasure that comes with this puro. This cigar lives up to the fame of this brand that has been a cult favorite of many. These Joya de Nicaragua Antano La Niveladora Cigars are carefully hand rolled in the size of 6 x 52. They come in boxes of 20. To buy these mighty cigars place an order at Cuenca cigars and get the best online price.