Joya de Nicaragua Cigars
Introducing the Joya de Nicaragua Antano Dark Corojo El Martillo - a cigar experience reserved for the most discerning connoisseurs. After a decade of anticipation, Joya de Nicaragua has crafted this powerhouse blend, boasting aged long fillers from Nicaragua. Encased in a dark, oily Corojo wrapper meticulously fermented to perfection, these cigars deliver an unrivaled, full-bodied flavor explosion.
With each burn, the intensity builds, revealing captivating notes of earth, cedar, cocoa, and a hint of pepper. As you savor the final moments, a delightful sweetness lingers on your palate, leaving you craving more.
Handcrafted to perfection, these 5 1/2 x 54 gems come in boxes of 20. Don't miss out on the opportunity to indulge in these robust cigars. Place your order at Cuenca Cigars and unlock the best online price. Elevate your smoking experience with Joya de Nicaragua Antano Dark Corojo El Martillo!