Indulge in the exquisite taste of luxury and elevate your experience to sheer perfection with Joya de Nicaragua Antano Connecticut Belicoso cigars - a truly unforgettable choice. Meticulously handcrafted in the renowned lands of Nicaragua, these medium strength treasures strike the perfect balance between creamy notes and intense spiciness, delivering an incredibly satisfying smoking experience every single time. Each cigar boasts a unique Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper, expertly paired with a Nicaraguan binder and filler. With a length of 6" and a ring gauge of 54, these cigars are carefully crafted for connoisseurs to savor.
Designed to ignite your day with a burst of flavor while providing unparalleled relaxation, this exceptional smoke adds an intriguing edge to any activity, inspiring mindful moments and sparking captivating conversations that will truly delight your senses. Ignite one today and discover why Joya de Nicaragua Antano CT Belicoso stands as one of the finest Nicaraguan cigars available!
Handmade: | Y |
Country of Origin: | Honduras |
Shape: | Corona |
Size: | 6 x 54 |
Strength: | medium |
Wrapper: | Ecuadorian Connecticut |
Binder: | Nicaragua |
Filler: | Nicaragua |
Box Cigar Count: | 20 |
Is Box-Pressed: | N |
Is Long-Filler: | Y |
Is Discountinued: | N |
Tube: | N |
Is Limited: | N |
Is Flavored: | N |
Manufacturer: | Fabrica Joya de Nicaragua S.A |
Released: | IPCPR 2019 |