Looking for more than just a cigar? The Joya de Nicaragua Antano 1970 Shut The Box Grand Consul stands as a celebration of Nicaraguan expertise, offering more than a smoke—it delivers an experience. With its bold Belicoso shape (4 x 60), this cigar not only captivates with its imposing stature but also seals the deal with the unexpected charm of its packaging. That’s right—once the finely crafted cigars are enjoyed, the elegant wooden box transforms into a game of "Shut the Box," combining indulgence with nostalgia.
Handcrafted from premium Cuban-seed Nicaraguan tobaccos and wrapped in a vintage Habano Criollo leaf, each puff delivers a full-bodied, complex flavor profile. Experiencing notes of pepper, earth, leather, cocoa, and a surprise hint of citrus, your senses will revel in a Cuban-style smoke that's rich, bold, and unforgettable. Perfect for seasoned aficionados who crave depth and craftsmanship in every draw.
Here’s the catch—only 500 boxes of 20 were produced. Yes, you read that right. This isn’t just about acquiring premium cigars; it’s about owning a piece of exclusivity that not everyone will have the pleasure to experience. Care to join the elite few?
This isn’t just another cigar to store in your humidor; it’s a statement. From the premium tobacco blend to the rare, limited-edition availability, every detail celebrates the art of cigar making. Oh, and don’t forget the artisan packaging that doubles as a timeless game, making it perfect for sharing moments with fellow cigar enthusiasts.
Call to Action
Smoking luxury, playing timeless fun, and owning exclusivity—is there a more perfect combination? Secure your box today before this fleeting gem disappears forever!