The Joya de Nicaragua Antano 1970 Shut The Box Gran Consul cigars offer a truly unique premium experience. With a Belicoso shape measuring 4 x 60, these cigars stand out from the crowd. But what really sets them apart is the added fun factor: once you've stored the cigars in your humidor, the empty box doubles as a game of "Shut the Box" to enjoy at your leisure.
These Nicaraguan puros are meticulously crafted using top-quality Cuban-seed tobaccos and a vintage Habano Criollo wrapper. The result? A full-bodied, flavorful smoke that tantalizes the senses with notes of pepper, earth, leather, cocoa, and citrus. If you're an aficionado who appreciates the nuances of Cuban-style cigars, these are a must-try.
It's worth noting that only 500 boxes of 20 have been produced, making them a rare find. To avoid missing out, it's recommended that you secure your order soon.