Joya de Nicaragua Cigars
The Joya de Nicaragua Antano 1970 Lancero is not just a cigar—it’s a testament to tradition and craftsmanship. Rooted in history, this reimagined classic brings back the unforgettable essence of the original Joya de Nicaragua blend that graced the hands of discerning smokers, including a former U.S. president.
Handcrafted in Nicaragua, this puro boasts ligero leaves wrapped in a rich, dark Nicaraguan criollo wrapper. The result? A robust, full-bodied flavor profile that delivers an intense experience designed for seasoned palates who crave complexity.
When a cigar earns multiple 90+ ratings, the accolades speak for themselves. With a 91-point score from Cigar Insider and recognition among Cigar Aficionado’s Top 50 Cigars, the Antano 1970 Lancero delivers an elite smoking experience that few can rival.
Measuring 7 x 38, the Lancero offers a refined smoking experience, ensuring that every draw is smooth and well-balanced. Whether you're celebrating a special moment or simply indulging in the finer things in life, this cigar guarantees satisfaction down to the last puff.
These exquisite cigars come in boxes of 20, perfect for collectors and connoisseurs alike. Head over to Cuenca Cigars now to score the best online price and elevate your humidor with the Joya de Nicaragua Antano 1970 Lancero.