Joya de Nicaragua Cigars
Joya de Nicaragua Antano 1970 Grand Perfecto Single Cigars are an exquisite recreation of a beloved blend from the 70s, once favored even by US presidents. Meticulously crafted in Nicaragua, these cigars boast a blend of Nicaraguan ligero leaves and are expertly wrapped in a dark, oily Nicaraguan criollo wrapper. With their intense power, full-bodied flavor, and impeccable construction, these cigars are a true delight for seasoned enthusiasts.
These remarkable cigars have garnered high praise from critics, earning multiple 90+ ratings. Notably, Cigar Insider scored it an impressive 91, and Cigar Aficionado included it in their prestigious list of top 25 cigars of the year. Encased in elegant boxes of 20, these Joya de Nicaragua Antano 1970 Grand Perfecto Cigars are a must-have for any serious aficionado.
Ready to elevate your smoking experience? Place your order for these magnificent cigars at Cuenca Cigars and take advantage of the best online prices available.