Joya de Nicaragua Antano 1970 Grand Perfecto Cigars are recreated version of a very popular blend in the 70s. It was the original Joya de Nicaragua that was a favorite of even US president. These cigars are blended using a mix of Nicaraguan ligero leaves. They are rolled in a dark, oily Nicaraguan criollo wrapper. Packed with intense power these full bodied and full flavored cigars are a treat for the experienced smoke lovers. Perfectly crafted by the skilled workers in Nicaragua these are 6 x 60 in size. They are favorites of the critics as well which culminated in several 90+ ratings. Cigar Insider scored it 91 and Cigar aficionado placed it in their list of top 25 cigars of the year. These Joya de Nicaragua Antano 1970 Grand Perfecto Cigars come in boxes of 20. To buy these enormous cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.