Joya de Nicaragua Cigars
Rediscover the iconic Joya de Nicaragua Antano 1970 Grand Consul Cigars, a revamped version of the beloved classic blend that captivated the hearts of cigar aficionados. This isn’t just another cigar; it’s history, passion, and bold craftsmanship rolled into one unforgettable experience.
At the core of the Grand Consul is a blend of rich Nicaraguan ligero leaves, delivering a commanding full-bodied flavor profile that seasoned smokers crave. These robust fillers are expertly wrapped in a dark, oily Nicaraguan Criollo wrapper, creating a smoke with immense power, complexity, and richness. Every draw is a bold declaration of flavor.
Don’t just take our word for it—these cigars have earned a stellar 91-point rating from Cigar Insider and were honored among Cigar Aficionado's prestigious Top 50 Cigars. Their remarkable craftsmanship and full-flavor strength have made them a go-to for cigar lovers seeking a truly premium experience.
Measuring 4x60, these Nicaraguan-crafted masterpieces are perfectly sized for a rich and satisfying smoke. Each box contains 20 meticulously handmade cigars, a testament to quality and dedication.
Why wait? Treat yourself to the bold flavor and artisan quality of Joya de Nicaragua Antano 1970 Grand Consul Cigars. Place your order today at Cuenca Cigars and enjoy unbeatable online prices. Your next unforgettable smoke is just a click away!