Joya de Nicaragua Cigars
The Joya de Nicaragua Antano 1970 Belicoso Cigars are back! These cigars have been reformulated to deliver the same Nicaraguan flavor that made them so successful in the 70s. At their core, they contain a mix of Nicaraguan ligero leaves and are enveloped in a thick dark criollo wrapper from Nicaragua. Now you can purchase these beloved single sticks online; an option bound to be popular with cigar fanatics everywhere!
If you're a seasoned smoker, then these full-bodied puros will be the perfect choice for you. Joya de Nicaragua Antano 1970 Belicoso Cigars have been highly praised and awarded 90+ ratings from prestigious publications such as Cigar Insider and even made it to the list of Top 10 cigars by Cigar Aficionado! Crafted in Nicaragua measuring 6 x 54, purchase them individually or get a box of 20 at Cuenca Cigars – make sure to take advantage of our best online price while doing so!