Joya de Nicaragua Black Toro Cigars are truly remarkable handmade premiums, renowned for numerous exceptional qualities. They proudly introduce the first-ever usage of a Mexican San Andres Negro wrapper in the Joya de Nicaragua lineup. This exquisite wrapper envelops a meticulously curated blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos, resulting in a profile that is undeniably rich, intense, and bursting with flavors, while maintaining a harmonious balance. The body strength of these cigars ranges from medium to medium-full, delivering a captivating experience on the palate with notes of dried fruit, dark chocolate, coffee, and cedar elegantly intertwining. Whether you are a seasoned aficionado or a novice enthusiast, these 6 x 52 sized Joya de Nicaragua Black Toro Cigars are an absolute must-try. Presented in boxes of 20, you can acquire these exceptional cigars in singles as well, at the best online price from Cuenca Cigars.