Are you ready to elevate your cigar experience? The Joya Black Toro is a remarkable creation, celebrated for its innovative use of a Mexican San Andres Negro wrapper—the first of its kind in the Joya de Nicaragua lineup. This bold and beautifully crafted cigar wraps around a perfectly curated blend of premium Nicaraguan tobaccos. Expect an unrivaled balance of flavor, intensity, and craftsmanship in every puff.
Indulge in a flavor profile that’s nothing short of mesmerizing. Notes of dried fruit, dark chocolate, coffee, and cedar weave together in perfect harmony, offering you a medium to medium-full bodied cigar that excites your palate without overwhelming it. This is a smoke that’s as complex as it is enjoyable, making it ideal for seasoned aficionados and curious novices alike.
Not ready to invest in a full box? No problem. The Joya Black Toro is now available as single cigars, giving you the opportunity to sample this premium handmade blend without hesitation. Are you on the hunt for your next favorite cigar? Here’s the perfect way to find out.
At Cuenca Cigars, we’re dedicated to offering you premium cigars at the best online pricing. Whether you’re buying one to try or committing to a box of 20, you can look forward to a superior smoking experience delivered right to your door. Don’t miss the chance to experience the indulgence that is the Joya Black Toro.
Your next favorite smoke is just one click away. Order yours now!