Rocky Patel Cigars
Among Top Nicaraguan Cigars, Java Red Toro Cigars are nicely blended premiums that deliver a distinct smoking experience filled with flavors and fragrance. These offerings of Rocky Patel showcase his love for coffee. They are handmade in Nicaragua using a chosen blend of Nicaraguan tobaccos that are significantly aged. A dark brown wrapper encases these tobaccos. Upon lighting they exude distinct cherry notes backed by dark coffee and cocoa. Its medium to full body profile offers ample scope to enjoy the flavors. It is a perfect pairing with a variety of beverages, wines and cordials. These enjoyable puros would certainly delight the experienced palates. The Java Red Toro Cigars are 6 x 50 sized stogies that come in boxes of 20. Buy these flavorful puros at the best online price from Cuenca Cigars.