Rocky Patel Cigars
These Top Nicaraguan Cigars, Java Mint Robusto Cigars are result of combined efforts of Rocky Patel and Jonathan Drew. They have come together to create a blend that is sought after by the smoke lovers. These cigars pack in their core a rich blend of aged Nicaraguan long fillers and binder. A dark, oily Brazilian Mata Fina Maduro wrapper hugs them beautifully. These wrappers are aged for 3 years while they were infused with savory flavors of mocha and mint. All this goodness mingles together perfectly creating a medium bodied cigar. The smoke arising from it is marked by undeniable creaminess, rich taste, smoothness accompanied with sensory aroma. These cigars are solidly built in the size of 5 _ x 50 and offered in box pressed format. These Java Mint Robusto Cigars come in boxes of 24. To buy this absolutely delicious cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.