Rocky Patel Cigars
Java Mint Corona Cigars are flavor infused cigars that have a pleasing impact on the palate. These Best Cigar in the World are crafted as a joint venture of Rocky Patel and Jonathan Drew, these cigars are truly head turner. A hearty mix of rich aged Nicaraguan long fillers and binder lies on the base of these cigars. The upper part is covered with a dark brown Brazilian Mata Fina Maduro wrapper which too has been aged to perfection. The result is a medium bodied cigar that is infused with flavors of mocha and mint. Mingled together they deliver a creamy, rich, flavorful smoke that is marked by enticing aromas. These Java Mint Corona Cigars are expertly crafted in the size of 5 x 42 and presented in box pressed format. They come in boxes of 24. To buy this savory Maduro cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.