My Father Cigars
Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial Robusto Cigars are flavorful Maduro cigars that offer delectable smoke. The blend of these cigars is crafted by Jaime Garcia, son of Don Pepin Garcia. With years of experience he crafted these cigars using finest tobacco in the world. Rich and hearty blend of Nicaraguan long fillers and binder fill the core of these cigars. They are finally wrapped in a dark, oily Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper. They produce a full bodied smoke laden with delicious notes of pepper, espresso, earth, and cedar. 5 x 52 in size these Robusto cigars are solidly built without any flaws. They have been awarded with 90 point rating from Cigar Aficionado. These Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial Robusto Cigars come in pack of 20. To buy these tasty Maduro cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.