My Father Cigars
Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial Petit Robusto Cigars are beautiful cigars that have earned an impressive 90 point rating by Cigars Aficionado. Being a part of the family business and its legacy for years, Jaime Garcia has mastered the art of cigar making. He blended this cigar using rich, flavorful Nicaraguan tobacco as the filler and binder. This Nicaraguan core is cloaked in a dark, shiny Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper. This cigar exudes full body strength and delectable flavors like pepper, espresso, earth, and cedar. Skillfully crafted these cigars deliver a smooth smoke with an easy draw. They are shaped in Petit Robusto format in the size of 4 _ x 50. They boast of a notable 90 point rating from Cigar Aficionado. These Jaime Garcia Reserva Especial Petit Robusto Cigars come in pack of 20. To buy these beautiful Maduro cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.