E.P. Carrillo Cigars
INCH by EP Carrillo No. 70 Cigars are finely crafted remarkable cigars that feature a big ring gauge. Crafted by master blender Ernesto Carrillo, these cigars offer a bouquet of delectable flavors in a balanced manner. The core of these cigars is filled to the brim with a mix of Nicaraguan and Dominican long fillers. These are covered by a glimmering Connecticut Broadleaf Maduro wrapper in dark brown hue. They together create a medium-full body cigar that boasts a brilliant construction. Rolled in the shape of Large Cigars they measure 7 x 70 in size. The smoke that comes out of this cigar is dominated by notes of roasted coffee, black pepper and earth which have sweet hints as the company. These INCH by EP Carrillo No. 70 Cigars are available in boxes of 24. To buy these beautiful cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.