E.P. Carrillo Cigars
INCH by EP Carrillo No. 64 Cigars are notable premium cigars blended by Ernesto Carrillo, a name behind many 90+ rated cigars. These cigars are known for their big ring gauges and a fine balance of flavors. They are expertly crafted using a blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican long fillers. To wrap them up a flawless Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper is used on the top. They produce a medium-full body smoke dominated by delightful notes of coffee, sweet cedar and subtle spices. This thoroughly enjoyable smoke finally ends on a creamy note. These cigars feature a Double Toro format in the size of 6 1/8 x 64. These INCH by EP Carrillo No. 64 Cigars come in packs of 24. To buy these distinct cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.