E.P. Carrillo Cigars
INCH by E.P Carrillo No. 62 Cigars are remarkable cigars due to its magnificent construction and perfect balance of flavours. These cigars are blended using Nicaraguan and Dominican long fillers at their base. Then they are rolled in a golden brown Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper. Combined together they create a medium-full body cigar marked by enjoyable notes throughout the smoke. Crafted under the supervision of famed Ernesto Carrillo, these cigars feature a big ring gauge which gives it a distinguished look and feel. They smoothly burn releasing notes of coffee, sweet cedar, subtle spices and creamy finish at the end. These cigars are made in the shape of Robusto measuring 5 x 62. These INCH by E.P Carrillo No. 62 Cigars come in boxes of 24. To buy these distinguishable cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.