Illusione Cigars
Illusione Classic Cruzado Robusto Cigars—it's the perfect smoke for a cigar aficionado looking for something exquisite in flavor, medium to full bodied. Crafted by none other than Illusione Cigars, they are carefully handmade using the best of Nicaraguan tobacco as fillers and binders. Created in Nicaragua and wrapped with Colorado Nicaraguan Corojo – these seriously cool cigars guarantee unwavering quality for every puff. As an extra bonus, Master-blender Dion Giorlito took part in the crafting process to ensure that this long-time favorite of cigar lovers is ahead on flavor notes compared to most sticks out there. Get your hands on 20 cigars per box with free shipment when you spend $99 and above! And the best part? Cuenca Cigars offers Illusione Classic Cruzado Robusto Cigars at prices that won't make your wallet cry. So why wait? Grab a box now, and enjoy a joyful smoking experience like nothing else!