Illusione Candela
Illusione Candela Cigars created by cigar retail veteran Dion Giolito made its mark with its unconventional wrapper. The taste is reminiscent of pre-Sandinista Nicaraguan cigars. These cigars feature first generation Corojo '99 and Criollo '98 tobacco, wrapped in either grade one Cafe Colorado wrappers or Candela wrappers. The Illusione Candela has a wonderful floral fragrance with core flavours of Earth and leather still very much present, but they are skilfully balanced with a slight sweetness and tea notes. The construction is excellent in regards to the draw and burn attributes. It is an incredibly good smoke, complex in flavour and visually appealing with its bright green wrapper. It is medium to full-bodied boutique handmade with a very limited supply and high demand. The Illisione Candela is available in seven sizes, namely, Lancero, Belicoso, Churchill, Robusto, Double Corona, and Corona Toro. To get your hands on one such beautiful Illusione Candela Cigars place an order now at Cuenca Cigars and avail the best online price.