Illusione Cigars
The Illusione Allegria Churchill is a cigar designed with fun in mind. Crafted together to embody the Italian term for "cheerfulness," it's no wonder these medium-strength premium cigars have generated so much buzz. Featuring a rich Honduran natural wrapper and Nicaraguan binder, it truly captures the essence of Nicaraguan tobacco. Then, enjoy notes of spice and macadamia with the Aganorsa Vine Corojo 2006 Viso tobaccos used in its filler. The single packagings come with 6 3/4" Churchill encased in Cellophane, ready to become part of your regular rotation. Whether you're just a fan of the Illusione brand or enjoy indulging your hobby while letting loose, take your pick and appreciate how this handmade cigar from Nicaragua masters its goal - making sure you always have a reason to smile!