Drew Estate Herrera Cigars
Herrera Esteli Lonsdale Deluxe Cigars are truly magnificent, meticulously handcrafted in the classic Cuban style as a tribute to the heritage of old cigars. Blended with utmost precision by the renowned Willy Herrera, these exceptional cigars from the esteemed Drew Estate house offer an unparalleled smoking experience that is nothing short of delightful.
Crafted with a masterful combination of Nicaraguan long fillers and Honduran binders, these cigars boast a solid foundation. To top it off, their lush Ecuadorian Habano wrapper leaf envelops the upper portion, resulting in a harmonious blend that delivers a full-bodied strength and a delectable mix of flavors. With each draw, you'll be greeted by rich, creamy, and remarkably smooth sensations that are the hallmark of this premium cigar.
Presented in an elegant Lonsdale shape, these cigars measure 6 x 44, allowing for a truly immersive and satisfying smoking session. For the avid cigar connoisseurs, these exquisite Herrera Esteli Lonsdale Deluxe Cigars are conveniently available in packs of 25 and in Singles, expertly encased in polished wooden boxes.
To indulge in the brilliance of these cigars, waste no time and place your order at Cuenca Cigars today. Immerse yourself in the ultimate smoking experience and seize the opportunity to obtain these extraordinary cigars at the best online price.