Herrera Esteli Brazilian Lonsdale Cigars are a premium selection from Nicaragua. This single cigar is 6 inches in length and with a 44 ring gauge, providing an ideal level of balance between the size and flavor of the smoke. The wrapper is crafted using Brazilian Mata Fina tobacco, which adds to the complexity of the flavor profile. The binder is made using USA Connecticut Broadleaf tobacco while the long-fillers are sourced from Nicaragua. This product was crafted by hand at La Gran Fabrica de Drew Estate.
The blend offers a medium body smoke that starts on the mild side but quickly builds up to a full flavor profile. Unique notes of pepper, spice, cedar, leather and even sweetness can be detected throughout each puff. These flavors combine perfectly to create an enjoyable smoking experience that is sure to impress any seasoned aficionado or novice alike.
The construction of Herrera Esteli Brazilian Lonsdale Cigars is impeccable as well. The draw remains consistent throughout each smoke and provides just enough resistance for optimal efficiency without being too tight or loose. The burn line is also quite consistent with very little need for frequent relights or touch ups from start to finish. This makes for a pleasant and effortless smoking experience without any distractions or disruptions along the way. Try purchasing them individually before committing to a whole box. Discover what all the excitement is about!