
Handmade Costa Rica Cigars



Looking for information on Costa Rica cigars price? High-quality Costa Rican cigars, crafted with artisanal precision, range in price from affordable to exclusive. Factors like meticulous craftsmanship, extensive aging, and brand prestige play pivotal roles in determining costs. Whether you’re a seasoned smoker or a newcomer to the world of cigars, our article simplifies pricing for you, ensuring you make an informed decision.

Key Takeaways

  • Craftsmanship and aging are key factors influencing the price of Costa Rican cigars, with meticulous hand rolling and extended aging periods enhancing both quality and cost.

  • Brand reputation significantly affects cigar pricing, with established, promoted, and rare brands like El Septimo and D'Crossier commanding higher prices due to quality, history, and exclusivity.

  • Distinguishing quality and value in Costa Rican cigars involves considering factors such as construction, ingredients, and size/strength and consulting reputable sources for reviews and sampling before purchase.

Exploring Handmade Costa Rica Cigars: A Price Overview

Handmade Costa Rica cigars being rolled by skilled artisans

Costa Rican cigars are renowned for their high quality, thanks to the skilled craftsmanship employed in cigar factories. These cigars owe their origin to Cuban émigrés who brought their craft and some precious seeds to Costa Rica following their revolution. They started producing cigars in Costa Rica, which are now available in various countries worldwide. These cigars are known for their earthy taste and flavor, very natural and without artifice. Brands such as Horacio, Vegas de Santiago, and 77 produce these cigars, with D’crossier Cigars and El Septimo being among the best Costa Rican cigars.

Understanding the factors that influence the price is fundamental when exploring the world of handmade Costa Rican cigars. The price of a cigar can be impacted by the craftsmanship involved in its production, the aging process, and the brand’s reputation. Let’s delve deeper into these factors.

The Impact of Craftsmanship on Price

Costa Rican cigars owe their esteemed reputation for superior quality to the significant role played by craftsmanship in their production. Skilled craftsmen enhance the value of the cigars, making them more sought-after and justifying a premium price. The use of high-quality materials in cigar production, including premium tobacco leaves and upscale packaging, also has a substantial impact on the overall price.

The meticulous process of handcrafting Costa Rican cigars commences with the following steps:

  1. Folding individual tobacco leaves to create the filler.

  2. Acquiring crucial skills in the selection, blending, and meticulous rolling and shaping of cigars through extensive training and experience in the art of cigar rolling.

  3. Aging the cigars for a period ranging from 5 to 15 years, further enhancing their quality and value.

Aging Excellence and Its Effect on Your Wallet

Cigar prices can be greatly impacted by the aging process. Cigars are stored in wooden boxes, allowing them to develop flavors and strength over time. The tobacco used is already aged before being rolled. Aged Costa Rican cigars are more expensive due to the scarcity and cost of aged tobacco, the added value from refined flavors and aromas that develop over time, and the higher labor costs in Costa Rica.

The aging process of cigars contributes to the rounding out of flavors, resulting in a milder and more balanced taste. It also introduces complexity, which enhances the overall smoking experience. However, it’s important to note that over-aging can potentially flatten the flavor and reduce complexity. Typically, older cigars command higher prices as a result of the considerable time and meticulous care needed for appropriate aging, leading to enhanced flavor and tobacco quality.

Brand Legacy and Price Tag

Cigar pricing can be considerably influenced by the reputation of a brand. Established and heavily promoted brands generally command higher prices in comparison to smaller, less recognized brands. The contributing factors to the reputation of a cigar brand encompass the quality of the cigars, the brand’s historical standing, and its rarity and aging.

Some of the most esteemed Costa Rican cigar brands are:

  • Casdagli

  • MBombay

  • Don Benigno

  • Atabey

  • Byron

  • Vegas de Santiago

  • El Septimo Cigars

  • D'Crossier Cigars

  • Bandolero Cigars

Brun del Ré and E.P. Carrillo are considered to be the legacy brands in Costa Rica, and their cigars are valued highly due to their brand’s reputation and their cigars’ quality.

What to Expect When Purchasing Costa Rican Cigars

Deciding to purchase Costa Rican cigars might leave you wondering what to expect. The starting prices for Costa Rican cigars can vary, with some cigars having suggested retail prices of $100 or more per cigar. The distinguishing factors between mid-range Costa Rican cigars and entry-level ones usually revolve around the distinct sub-band colors and the smoking experience that these cigars offer, which can vary from medium to medium-full to full.

Exceptional flavor profiles distinguish high-end Costa Rican cigars, which include notes of:

  • clean cedar

  • almond butter

  • white pepper

  • frothy cappuccino

They also have an alluring aroma. These cigars are cultivated from authentic seeds adapted to the high altitudes of Costa Rica. The well-rolled wrappers exhibit a light, golden brown appearance and a harmonious balance of flavors, all of which contribute to justifying their premium pricing.

Entry-Level Elegance: Starting Prices

Several brands such as [Brand 1], [Brand 2], and [Brand 3] offer cost-effective Costa Rican cigars. While the quality of entry-level Costa Rican cigars may vary, there are reputable options such as Vegas de Santiago. Although higher-priced options may offer greater complexity and refinement, entry-level Costa Rican cigars can still deliver a satisfying smoking experience.

You can purchase these cigars from various online retailers such as Corona Cigar Company, The Cigar, and BnB Tobacco. It’s always advisable to compare prices across different retailers to ensure that you’re getting the best value for your money.

Mid-Range Mastery: Balanced Quality and Cost

Distinct sub-band colors and a variable smoking experience from medium to medium-full to full set mid-range Costa Rican cigars apart. The pricing of these cigars is affected by various factors including:

  • Labor costs

  • Tobacco quality

  • Aging process

  • Craftsmanship

  • Size and shape of the cigar

Consumers can anticipate that a mid-range Costa Rican cigar will offer a sophisticated and complex medium-bodied flavor, featuring earthy notes without artificial additives. The aroma is likely to be pleasantly moderate and appealing to a diverse group of smokers. Well-regarded mid-range handmade cigar brands in Costa Rica include El Septimo, Atabey, Byron, Bandolero, Corleone Cigars, Cigar 77, Horacio, and Vegas de Santiago.

The Pinnacle of Perfection: High-End Options

Due to their exceptional quality, high-end Costa Rican cigars are considered the epitome of excellence, stemming from their balanced flavor profiles, well-executed craftsmanship, and exclusivity. The elevated cost of high-quality Costa Rican cigars is influenced by factors including high tobacco taxes, stringent regulations, the aging process of the cigars, and the market demand for rare or limited edition cigars.

High-end Costa Rican cigars are known for:

  • Their balanced flavor profiles, offering a harmonious blend of strength and flavor that caters to both seasoned aficionados and novices

  • Showcasing creativity through unique collections inspired by renowned artists, showcasing exceptional craftsmanship

  • Exclusive edition and limited release options such as Le Patissier by Crowned Heads and The Oliva Serie V Roaring Twenties Super Limited Edition by Oliva Cigar Co, which provide distinctive and premium smoking experiences.

Popular Picks: Handmade Cigars from Costa Rica and Their Prices

Assortment of popular handmade Costa Rican cigars

Certain brands, due to their exceptional quality and flavor profiles, stand out in the realm of handmade Costa Rican cigars. Brands like D’Crossier, El Septimo, and Byron are popular picks among cigar enthusiasts. El Septimo, for instance, is celebrated for its superior quality and distinctive flavor profiles designed to accommodate various tastes and preferences.

The Sacred Arts Collection by El Septimo is a distinctive series comprising 7 distinct Costa Rican cigars, including the unique Minotaur Tres Hermanos. Each cigar is intricately linked to a renowned Old World artist, not only in name but also in the artistry and essence of the cigars. The El Septimo Botticelli, a component of this assortment, is a cigar of moderate strength that presents notes of toasted oak complemented by the sweetness of island cane sugar, demonstrating the brand’s dedication to sophisticated and appealing flavor profiles. El Septimo offers a diverse range of cigars, including The Zaya Collection, alongside the Sacred Arts Collection, providing a varied smoking experience.

D'Crossier Cigars – A Fan Favorite

Known for their superior quality and meticulous production process, D’Crossier Cigars are a fan favorite. The pricing of D’Crossier Cigars is influenced by the specific blend and size, resulting in a price range of approximately $6-$7 for some options and up to $24 per cigar for others lines within the portfolio. The factors influencing the pricing of D’Crossier Cigars include:

  • The costs of raw materials

  • Labor

  • Shipping

  • Regulatory fees

  • Market demand

  • Exquiste attention to details

  • Packaging

Despite the varying price points, the quality of D’Crossier Cigars is perceived to align with their cost, delivering favorable value to consumers. Cuenca Cigars is a compelling choice for cigarette enthusiasts because of:

  • Its diverse selection of high-quality handmade cigars

  • Reasonable pricing along with regular promotional offers

  • The consistent burn characteristics of its Costa Rican cigars.

El Septimo's Exquisite Offerings

Reflecting their high-quality craftsmanship and materials, El Septimo offers exquisite cigars at a premium price. El Septimo’s cigar production is distinguished by the utilization of organically cultivated Costa Rican tobaccos and the traditional Entubar rolling method, which guarantees the integrity and superior quality of their cigars.

The Emperor Collection is a distinguished line of cigars offered by El Septimo, celebrated for delivering a lavish smoking experience and showcasing exceptional craftsmanship that validates its high-end pricing. The collection includes The Emperor Collection and The Empress of Sheba, designed to cater to a variety of tastes and preferences among cigar aficionados.

The quality and craftsmanship of El Septimo’s cigars are demonstrated through:

  • Meticulous aging

  • Impeccable construction

  • Even burn

  • Beautiful wrappers

  • Exquisite aromas

These qualities align with the brand’s premium pricing and cater to a variety of budgets.

Byron: A Historical Blend of Luxury

Blending history and luxury, Byron cigars’ prices reflect their unique and complex flavors. Originating from the Alfonso family’s small cigar factory in Santiago de Las Vegas, Cuba, in 1848, they were named in honor of the esteemed English poet Lord Byron. Presently, Nelson Alfonso, renowned for his contributions to Cuban cigars, upholds the family’s tradition by meticulously crafting Byron cigars using a remarkable blend of tobaccos sourced from:

  • Ecuador

  • Peru

  • the Dominican Republic

  • Nicaragua

Byron cigars are renowned for their exclusivity and opulence, attributed to their three exceptional blends: Siglo XIX, Siglo XX, and Siglo XXI, each offering a distinctive flavor profile. The cigars present a diverse range of flavors that contribute to a complex and enduring palate experience. These include cedar, gentle spice, citrus, nougat, and ginger snap cookies, all harmonizing to create the distinctive profile of Byron cigars, reinforcing their esteemed status as a luxurious and historically significant blend.

Where to Find the Best Prices for Costa Rican Cigars

Local tobacco shop with a selection of Costa Rican cigars

A few options are available if you’re wondering where to find the best prices for Costa Rican cigars. A reputable online platforms for purchasing Costa Rican cigars is our website

However, the pricing of Costa Rican cigars may differ between online stores and local tobacco shops, so it’s advisable to conduct a thorough price comparison across various sources to identify the most favorable deal.

Additionally, Cuenca Cigars provides the following services:

  • Delivery services throughout the United States

  • International shipping for customers to purchase Costa Rican cigars online

  • Option to purchase single cigars for trial

  • Best prices for purchasing a box

  • Free shipping for cart value of $99 or more.

Cuenca Cigars: Online Havens for Cigar Deals, Singles and Boxes

Online store with a variety of Costa Rican cigar options

As a well-known online retailer, Cuenca Cigars offers competitive prices on Costa Rican cigars, with options for single cigars and boxes. They are known for their provision of premium handmade Costa Rican cigars, with the D’Crossier L’Forte being particularly renowned for its superior quality and meticulous production process.

The pricing of cigars at Cuenca Cigars varies depending on the specific blend and size, with prices ranging from approximately $11.40 to $13. Additionally, they offer exclusive weekly specials and discounts, providing excellent value for customers.

One of the significant advantages of smoking Costa Rican cigars from Cuenca Cigars is the consistent burn they offer, which elevates the overall smoking enjoyment.

Local Tobacco Shops: Personalized Purchases

You can explore a variety of cigars and enjoy a personalized purchasing experience at local tobacco shops. Purchasing Costa Rican cigars from local tobacco shops offers numerous advantages, such as:

  • Guaranteeing authenticity with locally cultivated selected tobacco

  • Savoring premium cigars with rich flavors and intricate profiles

  • Receiving tailored suggestions and assistance

  • Contributing to the local economy and the expertise of artisans

  • Accessing a distinctive and frequently limited assortment of cigars.

Well-known local tobacco shops in Costa Rica where aficionados can purchase cigars include The Cigar House in San Ramon, Don Benigno Cigars, and Jaco Cigar Mart #1 & #2. These shops typically offer a diverse selection of cigars, including El Septimo Cigars, Bandolero Cigars, Atabey Cigars, Byron Cigars, Corleone Cigars, Cigar 77, Horacio, and Vegas de Santiago.

How to Identify Value in Your Cigar Purchase

Identifying the true value of your cigar is crucial once you’ve decided to purchase a Costa Rican cigar. This can be achieved by reading reviews, sampling different sizes and strengths, and recognizing quality. The quality of construction is crucial in ensuring that cigars have a consistent draw, proper humidity, and are free from imperfections such as hard or soft spots and unwanted veins. These factors significantly contribute to the overall value of the cigar.

Cuenca Cigars offers single cigars for purchase, allowing you to sample different sizes and strengths before making a larger investment. This is an excellent way to find the perfect cigar for your preferences and budget. Moreover, recognizing excellence in craftsmanship and materials can help you identify the true value of a cigar.

Reading Reviews: Wisdom of the Crowd

Person reading cigar reviews online while enjoying D'Crossier Cigars

You can gain valuable insight into a cigar’s quality and value by reading reviews. Reliable reviews for Costa Rican cigars can be accessed on several reputable websites such as Halfwheel, Reddit, Cigar Dojo, Kohnhed, Cigar Geeks, and Cruise Critic. When analyzing reviews of Costa Rican cigars, it’s important to consider the expertise of the reviewer, their taste preferences, the consistency and context of reviews, and differentiate between objective facts and subjective opinions.

Online reviews for Costa Rican cigars can be considered somewhat reliable, but it is important to exercise caution. Due to the limited availability of Costa Rican cigars, there may be a scarcity of reviews. To make an informed assessment, it is advisable to seek reviews from reputable sources and analyze the overall consensus across multiple reviews. Reviewers typically prioritize specific factors when assessing cigars, such as:

  • The flavor profile

  • Construction quality

  • Draw

  • Strength and body

  • Aroma

  • The overall smoking experience.

Sampling Sizes and Strengths

You can find the perfect cigar for your preferences and budget by sampling different sizes and strengths. The pricing of Costa Rican cigars is influenced by the size and strength of the cigar. Larger cigars tend to be more expensive, and the strength of a cigar, especially those made with higher quality or complex tobacco, can also impact the price.

Artisanal Costa Rican cigars are available in a range of established dimensions, including Robusto and Torpedo. In terms of potency, these cigars can vary from mild-medium to full strength, catering to a diverse range of preferences. Modifying the size and strength of a cigar can significantly impact its flavor profile. Thicker cigars tend to yield a more robust flavor as a result of the increased tobacco content, whereas thinner cigars may offer a milder taste.

Commitment to Quality: Recognizing Excellence

You can identify the true value of a cigar by recognizing excellence in craftsmanship and materials. The value of a cigar is influenced by the use of high-quality tobacco types and meticulous aging processes, which in turn affect the price. Superior workmanship in Costa Rican cigars can be recognized through:

  • A harmonious blend of strength and flavor

  • Distinctive sub-band colors

  • A variety of smoking experiences

  • A triple cap on the cigar end

  • A seamless wrapper

The impact of materials on the quality of handmade cigars cannot be overstated. The use of whole tobacco leaves without scraps, the absence of paper, chemicals, or preservatives, and the fermentation process of the tobacco leaves all contribute to the improvement of sensory quality, along with further aging. In evaluating the quality of a Costa Rican cigar, it is essential to consider factors such as:

  • tobacco cultivation

  • production

  • blending

  • aging

  • the cigar’s reputation, which can be evidenced by reviews.


Costa Rican cigars offer a unique blend of craftsmanship, quality, and brand legacy that justifies their price. Whether you opt for an entry-level cigar, a mid-range product, or a high-end option, the value lies in the smoking experience that it offers. With a wide variety of brands and flavors available, there’s a Costa Rican cigar to suit every palate and budget. As you embark on your cigar journey, remember that the true value of a cigar is not just in its price, but in the enjoyment it brings.


Frequently Asked Questions

Yes, Costa Rica produces high-quality, flavorful cigars with authentic and unique flavors that delight cigar enthusiasts. At Cuenca Cigars, you have the opportunity to buy individual Costa Rican cigars for tasting!

Cuban cigars in Costa Rica can range from $15 for Romeo and Juliet to $40.

Yes, you can bring up to 50 Costa Rican cigars to the US for personal use.

Yes, Costa Rica does grow tobacco, producing premium filler and binder tobacco, and its dark and maduro wrapper leaf is popular as a substitute for other varietals.

The price of Costa Rican cigars is influenced by factors such as craftsmanship, aging process, and brand reputation. These elements contribute to the overall cost and quality of the cigars.