H Upmann Cigars
H Upmann Vintage Cameroon Petite Corona Cigars are remarkable cigars crafted to capture the taste of the old Cuban cigars. To make these cigars H Upmann has used their old favorite wrapper namely, a vintage African Cameroon wrapper. This wrapper hides a mix of Dominican, Nicaraguan and Peruvian long fillers. This multinational blend has mild to medium strength and balanced complex flavors. The smoke is creamy, aromatic with an even burn. Beautifully constructed these cigars are 5 x 40 in size which is a Petit Corona. This remarkable cigar has been bestowed with love and high praise from the smokers with a 92 point rating. These H Upmann Vintage Cameroon Petite Corona Cigars come in set 25 packed in classy wooden boxes. To buy these beautiful cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.