H Upmann Cigars
H Upmann Vintage Cameroon Lonsdale Cigars are exceptional cigars that bring back the memories of old Cuban cigars from H Upmann. They have used a dark vintage African Cameroon wrapper to roll these cigars like early H Upmann blends. The inside of these cigars is filled with Dominican, Nicaraguan and Peruvian long fillers. This exotic blend of tobaccos creates a mild to medium strength cigar that burns like a charm. Subtle complexities, delicious flavors and enticing aroma make the cigar thoroughly enjoyable. These H Upmann Vintage Cameroon Lonsdale Cigars have been loved by the connoisseurs and critics alike resulting in 92 point rating. These Lonsdale shaped cigars measure 6 5/8 x 44 in size and come in wooden boxes in set of 25. To buy these handmade cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.