H Upmann Cigars
H Upmann Vintage Cameroon Churchill Cigars are nostalgic cigars that comprise the blend of an old H Upmann cigar. This evocative cigar is a mix of varied tobaccos sourced from different regions. A concoction of Nicaraguan, Dominican and Peruvian long fillers rests on the base of this cigar. A stunning African Cameroon wrapper lies on the top concealing these tobaccos. The result is a medium bodied, full flavored rich cigar. Crafted in Churchill shape these cigars are top notch with an even burn line, thick ash. Delectable flavors follow the smooth smoke that moves on without much effort. These H Upmann Vintage Cameroon Churchill Cigars have been rated 92 by the Cigar Insider. Available in classy wooden boxes packed in set of 25 these cigars are 7 _ 50 in size. To buy these beautiful cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.