H Upmann Cigars
H Upmann Banker + Whiskey Flask Gift Set | Premium Cigars
SKU - 9181$43.06$47.84$47.84 -
H Upmann Cigars
H Upmann Hermans Batch Gift Sampler | Honduran Cigars
SKU - 9164$53.96$59.96$59.96 -
H Upmann Cigars
H Upmann Nicaragua AJ Fernandez Heritage Robusto | Cigars
SKU - 11206$199.80$214.80 -
H Upmann Cigars
There's something undeniably alluring about the rich history and luxurious experience of H. Upmann cigars. A brand that has navigated through centuries, weathering the storms of time and emerging stronger with each passing year. In this journey, we will delve into the fascinating legacy of the H Upmann cigar brand, exploring its Cuban beginnings, the expansion into non-Cuban cigars, and the diverse offerings that make it a celebrated choice among cigar aficionados today. So light up your senses and prepare to immerse yourself in the captivating world of H. Upmann cigars.
H. Upmann cigars have a storied legacy of quality and craftsmanship that has endured for centuries.
H. Upmann offers classic, contemporary, and limited edition cigar blends from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Honduras with distinct flavor profiles for a luxurious smoking experience.
Proper storage in humidors is essential to maintain freshness and optimal flavors when enjoying an H. Upmann cigar experience.
President John F. Kennedy was assassinated in 1963, but before his untimely death, he had become a symbol of hope for many. As a young, charismatic war hero, Kennedy faced challenges early on in his presidency, including the rising influence of the Soviet Union in Cuba and Fidel Castro's radicalization. The way he addressed these challenges is related to an intriguing cigar story.
The H. Upmann cigar is made by AJ Fernandez Nicaragua and showcases AJ Fernandez's commitment to superior quality products. It has a mixture of Dominican and Nicaraguan long fillers, Corojo 99 binder, and an Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper. It is a medium to full-bodied cigar with a balanced taste and a sweet flavor profile that includes almond notes. It is popular with young smokers searching for a robustly flavorful cigar from a classic brand.
The H. Upmann Nicaragua AJ Fernandez Heritage cigar is a product of Nicaragua. Its ingredients include a Brazilian Mata Fina wrapper that underwent triple fermentation, a Nicaraguan binder, and a mix of Brazilian and Nicaraguan long fillers. After being rolled, the cigar was aged for two years. When you smoke the cigar, you can expect a medium to full-bodied taste with hints of chocolate, espresso, and sweet spice. The cigar's production honors and continues a rich tradition and heritage.
H. Upmann has launched a new cigar named the H. Upmann 1844 Classic as a part of the H. Upmann 1844 Heritage line. This cigar has a nuanced flavor that sets it apart from other light-colored cigars. As a result, it is an excellent choice for seasoned cigar enthusiasts who prefer a milder taste. The 1844 Classic is a great choice for new cigar enthusiasts who desire an easy-to-smoke and pleasurable cigar. It has a medium-bodied strength with a perfect Ecuadorian Connecticut Shade wrapper. The flavors are a wonderful blend of cocoa and toasted almonds with a slight spice undertone. It is an exceptional cigar that stands out above the rest.
The H. Upmann 1844 Reserve cigar has a rich and complex flavor, with a smooth burn and classic ash that is typical of H. Upmann's high-quality cigar-making. This medium-bodied cigar is expertly made in the Dominican Republic using a strong Ecuadorian Cubano wrapper, a Nicaraguan binder, and Dominican long fillers tobaccos that have made H. Upmann cigars a favorite among aficionados.
The H. Upmann Vintage Cameroon cigar takes you back to the original days when all H. Upmann cigars in this series had Cameroon leaves. It has a top-quality Cameroon wrapper that gives the cigar a medium-bodied and nuanced aroma. The filler blend comprises Dominican, Nicaraguan, and Peruvian, offering a smooth and flavorful smoking experience.
The 1844 Añejo cigar is a medium to full-bodied cigar made from a balanced blend of tobaccos sourced from Nicaragua, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic. It has a sweet Broadleaf binder and a dark double-fermented wrapper, which adds a deep aroma and bold finish to the cigar. The cigar is made in Honduras and has an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper.
In 1844, Carl and Herman Upmann, German bankers, traveled to Cuba and produced a very special cigar. They stored it safely in their vaults with the intention of giving it only to their most valued clients. Today, after more than 170 years, that original award-winning blend has been reproduced in The Banker by H. Upmann. This premium cigar boasts of an attractive oily wrapper with a dark-brown hue. It gives a nutty and robust taste that is enriched with well-balanced notes of spice, coffee, and leather, emitting a pleasant aroma. Experience the full-bodied and aromatic profile with a rich, spicy flavor.
Grupo de Maestros produces H. Upmann Connecticut cigars, which have a Connecticut-seed wrapper. The wrapper is topped with dark maduro caps, giving the cigars more boldness than other Connecticut-style cigars. Additionally, these cigars have a Dominican binder and fillers containing tobacco from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua, including Pilotico tobacco to enhance their complexity.
H. Upmann has collaborated with José Méndez to honor the oldest and most iconic tobacco process native to the island of Hispaniola. This is achieved by using Andullo and Pilotico tobacco in the filler, as well as exploring various regions and tobacco types from the Dominican Republic. As a result, a cigar that is medium to full-bodied and full of flavor has been created. It has a strength and rich aroma that cannot be found in any other tobacco.
H. Upmann cigars have a storied legacy that began in Cuba in 1843, when Hermann Dietrich Upmann established the brand. Recognized for their high-quality Cuban cigars, the company flourished under Hermann's leadership until his retirement in 1890, when his nephew, Heinrich Upmann, took the reins. Despite facing challenges like the failure of both the bank and cigar business in 1922, the brand persevered and changed ownership multiple times over the next two decades, eventually finding a home under the Menendez, Garcia y Cia Co. in 1937.
Today, the rights to H. Upmann cigars sold in the premium U.S. market are owned by tobacco giant Altadis U.S.A. The brand has evolved over the years, maintaining its reputation as a fine cigar brand while expanding its offerings to include non-Cuban cigars. With a focus on quality and innovation, H. Upmann continues to captivate cigar aficionados worldwide, delivering an exceptional smoking experience that stands the test of time.
The origins of H. Upmann can be traced back to 1844, when Hermann Upmann, a German banker, arrived in Cuba to establish a banking business for tobacco dealers and cigar makers. Recognizing the potential for high-quality Cuban cigars, Hermann, along with his brother August, founded the H. Upmann brand, which quickly gained a reputation for excellence.
During its early years in Cuba, H. Upmann cigars were highly sought after, becoming a symbol of luxury and refinement. The brand's commitment to quality and craftsmanship, combined with its Cuban heritage, laid the foundation for the legendary status it enjoys today.
From these humble beginnings, H. Upmann would go on to shape the world the finest made of cigars and become a beloved favorite among discerning smokers.
As the H. Upmann brand grew, so too did its offerings. The U.S. imposed a trade embargo with Cuba in 1960, which forced operations to be relocated to the Dominican Republic. Since then, the embargo has had lasting consequences for both countries. This shift allowed the brand to expand its reach and diversify its tobacco blends, moving beyond its Cuban roots. Altadis U.S.A. now manufactures non-Cuban H. Upmann cigars at the Tabacalera de Garcia factory in the Dominican Republic, offering a broader range of options for cigar enthusiasts.
One notable collaboration that has emerged from this expansion is the H. The UPMANN Nicaragua AJ Fernandez Heritage line is a premium cigar line. It is crafted expertly with select Nicaraguan tobacco. Through partnerships like this, the brand continues to innovate and evolve, ensuring that H. Upmann remains a prominent force in the world of cigars for years to come.
In its current iteration, H. Upmann offers a diverse range of cigars crafted with tobacco blends sourced from the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Honduras. The brand’s dedication to quality remains unwavering, with the Grupo de Maestros responsible for blending H. Upmann cigars to ensure a consistently exceptional smoking experience.
H. Upmann cigars are now produced in multiple countries, including Cuba, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, and Honduras. This global presence allows the brand to maintain its legendary status while continuing to innovate and delight cigar aficionados with its unique offerings and distinct flavor profiles, such as the medium-bodied blend with hints of cedar, leather, spice, and delightful nutty undertones. The H Upmann 1844 Reserve received a 93 point rating for 'Outstanding' from Cigar Aficionado.
As we delve deeper into the world of H. Upmann cigars, we encounter the brand's signature blends, which encompass classic offerings, contemporary collaborations, and limited edition releases.
Each blend showcases the craftsmanship, taste and dedication to quality that have made H. Upmann a favorite among cigar enthusiasts for centuries.
The H. Upmann brand has long been synonymous with classic, timeless, fine cigar and blends. The H. Upmann 1844. Reserve stands as a prime example, offering a slightly spicier and more full-bodied version of the traditional H. Upmann 1844 reserve, cigar. Expertly crafted in the Dominican Republic, the. upmann 1844 Reserve features an Ecuadorian wrapper, Nicaraguan binder, and Dominican fillers, delivering a smoking experience that is both satisfying and memorable.
Another iconic offering is the H. Upmann Vintage Cameroon, a renowned product that showcases the brand's commitment to quality and tradition. These classic blends serve as the foundation upon which H. Upmann has built its reputation, offering timeless smoking experiences that continue to captivate cigar aficionados worldwide.
In recent years, H. Upmann has embraced innovation through contemporary collaborations, such as the partnership with renowned cigar maker AJ Fernandez. This collaboration has resulted in the H. Upmann by AJ Fernandez cigar, a testament to the brand's willingness to evolve and adapt while maintaining its commitment to excellence. The H. The Upmann Nicaragua AJ Fernandez Heritage Toro cigar has a unique blend. It uses a Brazilian Mata Fina triple fermented wrapper, Habano Nicaraguan binder, and 100% Nicaraguan tobaccos in the filler from AJ's farms.
This successful partnership has not only yielded exceptional new cigar blends, but has also attracted a new audience to the H. Upmann brand. By embracing change and forging partnerships with industry leaders, H. Upmann continues to thrive and expand its reach in the world of premium cigars.
For those seeking an even more exclusive smoking experience, H. Upmann offers a selection of limited edition releases, such as the H. Upmann 1844 Special Edition Barbier, the H. Upmann Magnum 56 Limited Edition 2015, and the H. Upmann Propios Edicion Limitada 2018. These limited edition cigars showcase the hermann upmann brand's dedication to craftsmanship, innovation, and luxury.
Each limited edition release offers a unique blend of flavors, aromas, and characteristics, making them highly sought after by cigar aficionados. Whether enjoyed on special occasions or as a rare treat, these limited edition H. Upmann cigars serve as a testament to the brand's commitment to delivering exceptional smoking experiences.
The H. Upmann cigar experience is marked by a unique combination of factors, such as a distinct flavor profile, even burn, easy draw, and classic ash. These characteristics come together to create a luxurious and memorable smoking experience, one that has enamored cigar connoisseurs for generations.
At the core of the H. Upmann cigar experience is its flavor profile. With a reputation for delivering consistent spice and earth notes, H. Upmann cigars are known for their complexity and depth. For example, the H. Upmann Nicaragua AJ Fernandez Heritage Toro exhibits a bold and sweet compost wrapper aroma, with a creamy sweet pepper note reminiscent of corn at the foot.
The H. Upmann 1844 Reserve Aperitif, on the other hand, boasts a warm and delicious nutty undertone accompanied by subtle hints of spice. Each H. Upmann 1844 reserve cigar blend offers a unique flavor profile that sets it apart from the rest.
From the rich, bittersweet chocolate notes of the 1844 Reserve to the smooth and mellow flavors of the Vintage Cameroon, there is an H. Upmann cigar to suit every palate and preference.
The even burn and easy draw of H. Upmann cigars contribute to their exceptional smoking experience. One customer reported that the H. Upmann 1844 Reserve provides an even burn, excellent flavor and ash, a long burn, and a pleasant aroma.
The H. Upmann Nicaragua AJ Fernandez Heritage. Toro also boasts an excellent draw and a slightly wavy burn that requires no touch-ups or relights. This attention to detail in construction ensures that every H. Upmann cigar offers a smooth and enjoyable smoking experience.
With each puff, the even burn and easy draw of these cigars allow the intricate flavors and aromas to shine through, providing a truly luxurious experience for cigar aficionados.
The H. offers a classic ash. Its full smoke production great burn is something to behold. Upmann cigars are yet another testament to the brand's commitment to quality and craftsmanship. The ash on an H. Upmann cigar is renowned for being long, white, and extremely reliable and consistent. This consistency contributes to the overall enjoyment of the smoking experience, as it allows for a smooth and uninterrupted smoke and burn.
One customer of the H. Upmann 1844 Reserve noted the excellent burn, flavor, and ash of the cigar, with a long burn and pleasant aroma. This combination of the wrapper, classic ash and smoke production and great burn serves as a hallmark of the H. Upmann brand, ensuring that every cigar delivers a luxurious and memorable smoking experience.
H. Upmann cigars are an ideal choice for special occasions, such as weddings, holidays, and celebrations, adding a touch of luxury and sophistication to any event. Their smooth and mellow flavors also make them a perfect companion for communing with nature, whether it be golfing, fishing, camping, hiking, or enjoying a day at the beach.
Incorporating an H. Upmann cigar into your celebration or outdoor adventure not only enhances the experience, but also creates lasting memories to cherish. So, whether you're toasting to a milestone, sharing a cigar with friends on the golf course, or simply enjoying a quiet moment of reflection in nature, an H. Upmann cigar is the perfect accompaniment to elevate any occasion.
To ensure that your H. Upmann cigars remain in optimal condition and maintain their flavor and aroma, proper storage and aging are essential.
In this section, we will offer tips on how to best care for your H. Upmann cigars, guaranteeing a luxurious smoking experience every time.
Maintaining the appropriate humidity and temperature is crucial when storing your H. Upmann cigars. The optimal humidity for H. Upmann cigars is between 65-70%, while the ideal temperature range is between 68-72°F. Storing your cigars in a humidor with a hygrometer and thermometer can help ensure that these conditions are met.
Proper storage not only preserves the freshness of your cigars, but also ensures that their flavors and aromas remain intact. By keeping your H. Upmann cigars at the recommended humidity and temperature, you can guarantee an exceptional smoking experience every time you light up.
Aging your H. Upmann cigars can significantly enhance their flavors and aromas, providing a more refined and enjoyable smoke. H. Upmann cigars, such as the Magnum 46, Magnum 50, and Connoisseur No. 2, are known for their excellent aging potential. While some cigars, like the H. Upmann Connoisseur No. 2, are already quite enjoyable without aging, allowing them to age further can elicit more complex flavors and a smoother smoke.
To make the most of your H. Upmann cigars' aging potential, store them in a humidor at the recommended humidity and temperature. Over time, the flavors and aromas of your cigars will mature, resulting in an even more delightful smoking experience.
When it comes to storing your H. Upmann cigars, choosing between a cart box and a humidor can make a significant difference in the quality of your smoking experience. While a cart box is a simple container for storing cigars, it lacks the ability to maintain a specific level of humidity. As a result, cigars stored in cart boxes may become dry, brittle, and possibly lose their flavor.
In contrast, a humidor is designed to maintain a precise level of humidity, providing an optimal environment for preserving the freshness, flavor, and aroma of your cigars. By investing in a quality humidor, you can ensure that your H. Upmann cigars remain in the best possible condition, ready to be enjoyed whenever the occasion calls for a luxurious and satisfying smoke.
Throughout this exploration of H. Upmann cigars, we've delved into the brand's rich history, its evolution from Cuban beginnings to a diverse international presence, and the exceptional offerings that make it a celebrated favorite among cigar aficionados. With their distinct flavor profiles, even burn, easy draw, and classic ash, H. Upmann cigars provide a luxurious smoking experience that can elevate any special occasion or outdoor adventure. By caring for your H. Upmann cigars with proper storage and aging, you can ensure that each cigar delivers a memorable and satisfying experience. So whether you're a seasoned cigar connoisseur or new to the world of premium cigars, H. Upmann offers a timeless and sophisticated smoking experience that is sure to impress.