H Upmann Cigars
Over 175 years later, smokers still enjoy the H. Upmann brand of cigars, which is a modern version of the first cigars made by its founder Herman Upmann, who moved to Cuba in 1843 and began producing cigars in 1844. This is one of the best Dominican Cigars now days!
The cigar is made with a blend of tobacco from different regions including a wrapper leaf from Ecuador, a binder from Dominican and long-fillers from Nicaragua. It has a modern flavor with hints of spice, cocoa, and cinnamon, but still has the traditional wood taste found in cigars. To have a taste of the 19th century, try smoking it while wearing period clothing.
H Upmann Cigars has released the H Upmann Herman's Batch Robusto. The cigars have an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, infused with Dominican long-fillers, and are of medium strength. The high-quality tobacco blend is carefully hand-selected. Each box contains 20 cigars.