H Upmann Cigars
H Upmann 1844 Reserve Toro Cigars are delightful series of cigars that is highly admired by the smokers. H Upmann crafted these cigars with their years of knowledge and little changes in their previous blend. They are packed to the brim with various Dominican long fillers bound by a Nicaraguan binder. The wrapper is an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper leaf. Medium in body strength these cigars smoothly burn producing delectable flavors of earth, leather and spices. Even burn, thick white ash and a solid construction have rightfully earned them a 93 point rating. They have been also featured in the list of top 25 cigars of the year. These H Upmann 1844 Reserve Toro Cigars are 6 x 54 in size and available in set of 20 cigars. To buy these fine cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.