Gurkha Cigars
Gurkha Ghost Asura Cigars are critically acclaimed premium luxurious cigars. These are rich cigars crafted using different types of tobaccos chosen carefully. These tobaccos are Nicaraguan and Dominican fillers bound by Criollo 98 Dominican binder. The wrapper is an Arapiraca Maduro wrapper from Brazil that is oily in texture. The mixture delivers a medium bodied smoke and rounded multiple flavors. The cigar consistently burns releasing flavors of cocoa and cinnamon with sweet and earthy notes. Crafted with precision these cigars have impressed the smokers and the critics alike bagging a 93 point rating. These Gurkha Ghost Asura Cigars come in intense dark boxes packed in set of 21. These are Rothschild shaped in the size of 6x54. To buy these rich cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.