Gurkha Cigars
Experience a smoking sensation unlike any other when you smoke the Gurkha Castle Hall Nicaraguan Robusto. These handmade cigars are made from premium, long-aged Nicaraguan tobaccos that are expertly rolled and just begging to be smoked. With a complex Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, these cigars have a cool, smooth draw that produces natural, earthly flavors with hints of leather and spice. They can be enjoyed best at leisure in the company of close friends and family members. Not only that, but they're also some of the best budget cigars - you won't go wrong with them! Shop now at Cuenca Cigars for your box of Gurkha Castle Hall Nicaraguan Robusto. A box of 20 is waiting just for you - what better way to enjoy your night? Get them now and make it one to remember!