Gurkha Cigars
Gurkha 125th Anniversary XO Cigars are exquisite cigars crafted on the very special occasion of the 125th anniversary of the brand. Expert rollers carefully rolled these cigars using a mix of different premium tobaccos. To start with they chose a mix of Nicaraguan, Dominican and Brazilian long fillers and bound them by an Ecuadorian Habano binder. At the end a Cuban seed Brazilian Habano wrapper is utilized on the top to cover them neatly. This concoction boasts a medium-full body with complex flavors. They offer various savory notes including vanilla, rich tobaccos, coffee, nuts and sweet spices. These Gurkha 125th Anniversary XO Cigars are made in Gordo shape in the size of 6 x 60. They are available in set of 20 packed in classic wooden boxes. To buy these luxurious cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.