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Our Premium Cigars Selection
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Our Premium Cigars Selection
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General Cigars Company


Are you aware of the world's largest cigar manufacturer? It's the General Cigar Company, known for producing premium cigars. However, they are a subsidiary of the Scandinavian Tobacco Group, which is known for producing non-Cuban brands such as Hoyo de Monterrey, Cohiba, La Gloria Cubana, Punch, and Partagas. General Cigar, a company with over 114 years of experience, has achieved success by dealing with popular brands such as CAO and Macanudo. They own multiple factories in countries like the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Jamaica, where they manufacture various cigar brands. The general cigar company distributes a detailed list of handmade cigars, which are crafted at different locations.

Cohiba Cigars

The cigars were originally from Cuba but became illegal in the USA after the 1959 Revolution. As a result, Cuban Cohiba was never sold in the USA. General Cigar created a trademark in the USA and the company has been selling non-Cuban Cohiba Cigars since 1980. These cigars are made by hand in factories in the Dominican Republic using Dominican, Nicaraguan and Honduran Tobaccos. They come in a range of tastes, Vitolas, and blends and are delicious and enjoyable.

Cohiba Royale

If you want to smoke cigars like famous cigar smokers, you should try Cohiba Royale. It's a full-bodied blend of tobacco from three different regions and is known for its elegance and satisfying flavor. Cohiba is a globally recognized cigar brand and will surely satisfy your taste buds.

Cohiba Red Dot

When it comes to premium cigars, Cohiba Cigars is a well-known brand that is associated with extravagant taste and complex flavor. Many consider it to be the finest cigars in the world. Our artisans use three varieties of Cuban seed tobacco - Dominican filler, Indonesian binder, and Cameroon wrappers - aged carefully to skillfully handcraft Cohiba Cigars in the Dominican Republic.

Cohiba Black

Cohiba Black Cigars, which were previously only available to Fidel Castro and his diplomatic circle, are now open to all cigar enthusiasts. These cigars are produced by Cohiba Cigars, the same brand that made cigars exclusively for Castro and his friends.


Cohiba Blue Classico

The Cohiba Blue Classico is a medium-bodied hand-rolled cigar that features a smooth wrapper made from Honduran Olancho San Augustín leaves. It is filled with premium tobacco from Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, and Honduras. Despite being the most affordable blend, it still delivers a pleasurable smoking experience.

Cohiba Connecticut

The Cohiba Connecticut is a milder variation of the luxurious Cohiba Cigars. It is made by hand using high-quality premium tobaccos. The wrapper, made of stunning Ecuador Connecticut, is particularly inviting to smoke. The binder tobaccos are Mexican San Andres, and the fillers are premium Brazilian, Dominican, and Nicaraguan tobaccos.

Cohiba Nicaragua

Cohiba Nicaragua Cigars are a departure from Cohiba's usual Dominican puro style, as they are made entirely from Nicaraguan tobacco. The cigars are created using well-aged long-fillers from Jalapa and Esteli, and a Nicaraguan binder from Jalapa. Finally, they are wrapped in a dark brown Sun Grown Colorado Oscuro wrapper.

Cohiba Macassar

The Cohiba Macassar is a cigar that has a medium to full body, with flavor notes of wood, white pepper, cedar, and coffee. It is made with fillers from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua, blended with a Connecticut Broadleaf binder, and then wrapped with a very dark and oily Connecticut Havano wrapper.



Hoyo de Monterrey Cigars

The Hoyo de Monterrey cigars are known for their full-bodied and strong smoke. They are made by hand using top-quality tobaccos from Nicaragua, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic. These premier cigars are manufactured by General Cigar at the HATSA factory located in Danlí, Honduras.

Hoyo La Amistad Gold

If you're interested in smoking like famous cigar smokers, check out the new Hoyo La Amistad Gold. This premium cigar is handmade using AJ Fernandez's tobacco blending techniques and is wrapped in a golden Ecuadorian Habano for a delicious flavor.

Hoyo La Amistad Dark Sumatra

The Hoyo de Monterrey Dark Sumatra has been renamed as Hoyo La Amistad Dark Sumatra and is now a joint product of AJ Fernendez and General Cigars. The blend remains the same, but with the added benefit of Fernandez's fermentation and aging methods. These handmade cigars are sure to please cigar aficionados across the globe.

Hoyo La Amistad Black

Hoyo de Monterrey and AJ Fernandez have collaborated again this year to introduce La Amistad Black, which is the third release of La Amistad. AJ was given the task of creating a cigar that captures the true essence of Hoyo and reflects the culture of his Tabacalera in Esteli. The outcome is the most daring interpretation so far in the La Amistad partnership. La Amistad Black has a wrapper made from Ecuadoran Sumatra Oscuro that is carefully fermented and includes Nicaraguan Habano. You can expect flavors of cinnamon, leather, and hot sauce that give it the strong and spicy taste that is typical of an AJ blend.

Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure Selection

Are you searching for a high-quality cigar at an affordable price? Look no further than the Hoyo de Monterrey Epicure Seleccion. This medium-bodied blend is made with all Honduran Habano Tobaccos and is suitable for all levels of cigar enthusiasts and budgets. Packaged with an elegant and Cubanesque style, these cigars are a tribute to the well-known Hoyo de Monterrey brand.



La Gloria Cubana cigars were initially handcrafted by Ernesto Perez Carrillo in a small factory in Little Havana. They gained worldwide popularity and attracted tourists from different corners of the world due to their exceptional quality. Despite being produced outside Cuba, these premium handmade cigars received immense admiration from cigar aficionados. In 1999, General Cigar company acquired La Gloria and the manufacturing was shifted to the Dominican Republic under EI Credito Cigar company. However, they are still produced for General Cigar.

La Gloria Cubana Classic

Jose Rocha and Rafael Garcia created La Gloria Cubana in 1885. This cigar is medium-bodied and made with high-quality tobacco from the Dominican Republic for the fillers, a Nicaraguan binder, and an Ecuadorian Sumatra and Connecticut wrapper. The La Gloria Cubana is well-constructed and has a rich, refined flavor.

La Gloria Cubana Spanish Press

We have introduced La Gloria Cubana Spanish Press cigars that follow the style of pre-embargo Cuba when Box Pressing cigars was a novelty. The cigars feature a wrapper and binders from Nicaraguan's Jalapa Region and fillers from Nicaraguan and Dominican Republic. These Premium cigars are carefully handcrafted to bring back fond memories and provide a delightful smoking experience.

La Gloria Cubana Esteli

La Gloria Cubana Esteli is a new type of cigar that explores Central American flavors while still honoring the brand's original blend. It is the first handmade "White Box" cigar to come out of Nicaragua and offers a modern take on the classic La Gloria smoking experience. This cigar has a bold profile and is a unique reflection of Nicaragua's spirit. It starts with a rich Nicaraguan Jalapa Valley wrapper which gives it a complex taste. The cigar has a medium-to-full body, and its unique blend of Honduran Jamastran and La Entrada fillers along with a Jamastran binder gives it notes of cedar, spice, and white pepper.

La Gloria Cubana Serie R

La Cubana Serie R is an extension of the La Gloria Cubana line that offers a rich, full-bodied flavor. These cigars feature a wide ring gauge, easy draw, and a long finish that make them both smooth and full-flavored. The La Cubana Serie R blend contains Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos, which are balanced with a Nicaraguan binder and an Ecuadoran wrapper that has been aged. It has received a 92-rating from Cigar Aficionado, making it a great purchase.

La Gloria Cubana Serie R Esteli

La Cubana Serie R Esteli is a full-bodied cigar with a rich, robust flavor. It is the first line of extension of La Gloria Cubana and is known for its wide ring gauges, easy draw, and long finish. The blend consists of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobaccos, with a Nicaraguan binder and an aged Ecuadorian wrapper. This cigar has received a 92 rating from Cigar Aficionado, making it a great purchase for any cigar lover.

La Gloria Cubana Serie R Esteli Maduro

The La Cubana Serie R is a line of cigars that extends the La Gloria Cubana brand. They have a rich, full-bodied flavor and are known for their wide ring gauges, smooth draw, and long finish. The blend is made up of Dominican and Nicaraguan tobacco, with a Nicaraguan binder and Ecuadoran wrapper. The La Cubana Serie R has received a 92 rating from Cigar Aficionado, making it a great choice for cigar enthusiasts.

La Gloria Cubana Coleccion Reserva

If you're a fan of strong cigars, you'll love La Gloria Cubana Coleccion Reserva. It has a well-aged Ecuadorian Sumatra wrapper and a blend of high-quality tobacco from Nicaragua. This cigar is very durable and will last in your humidor for years.



Macanudo Cigars

Macanudo Cigars are highly popular handmade cigars that are not made in Cuba. They are an excellent choice for beginners due to their mild flavor and light Connecticut shade wrapper that adds a creamy flavor to the smoke. It's worth noting that Macanudo cigars are the top-selling cigars in the USA and are manufactured at the Temple Hall Factory in Jamaica.

Macanudo Cafe

If you're searching for some of the smoothest cigars available, the Macanudo Cafe Cigars are an excellent choice. They undergo a triple fermentation process and are made with high-quality Dominican tobacco, resulting in mild, creamy smoke. The construction is excellent, and the Connecticut shade wrapper, aged for three years, is clean and veiny-less. You won't be disappointed with these premium, handcrafted cigars from the Dominican Republic.

Macanudo Maduro

The Macanudo Maduro cigars are a type of cigar produced by General Cigar. They were launched as an exclusive line in 1999. The Macanudo Maduro cigar is made with a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper, a Mexican binder, and a blend of Dominican and Mexican tobacco filler. The cigar provides a smooth, medium-bodied smoke with hints of nuts, fruits, and cream. The 'Diplomat' cigar from the Macanudo Maduro line was given a rating of 90 points by Cigar Aficionado.

Macanudo Gold Label

The Macanudo Gold Label is a unique cigar from the Macanudo brand. It is a limited edition release and features a US Connecticut shade golden wrapper from the first and second priming. It also has a binder made of vintage Mexican tobaccos and Dominican and Mexican long-fillers. These ingredients give the cigar a smooth consistency and a mild yet rich and sweet flavor.

Macanudo Cru Royal

The Macanudo Cru Royale cigars were created by Benji Menendez of General Cigars. These cigars have a Dominican tobacco filler and a La Vega Especial Dominican binder, and they are covered with an Ecuadorian Habano wrapper. They produce a medium-bodied, aromatic smoke that is full of rich nutty and leathery flavors. They also have a long, pleasant finish. The Macanudo Cru Royale is a highly-regarded cigar that earned a 92 rating and a spot in the Top 25 Cigars of the Year list from Cigar Aficionado. It is available in four sizes: Gigante (6 x 60), Toro (6 x 54), Robusto (5 x 50), and Poco Gordo (4 x 60). You can order these cigars from Cuenca Cigars at great online prices.

Macanudo Inspirado Orange

The Orange Macanudo Inspirado first launched in Europe in 2014 and quickly gained popularity worldwide before entering the US market. It is exclusively sold in physical cigar shops and cannot be purchased online. This cigar boasts a sophisticated and complex flavor profile with a hint of spice.

Macanudo Inspirado Red

Macanudo Inspirado Red is a full-bodied cigar that adds a bold option to the already highly praised Inspirado collection. Its strength and refinement are achieved through a combination of volcanic soil and aging techniques. Macanudo Inspirado Red uses Ecuadorian Habano wrapper and a blend of rare tobaccos which include twelve-year-aged Nicaraguan Ometepe, ten-year aged Honduran Jamastran, and five-year-aged Nicaraguan Esteli. Its binder is made of hearty Nicaraguan Jalapa. The flavor profile is dominated by pepper and spice notes, taking the smoking experience of Central American tobacco to another level.

Macanudo Inspirado White

Macanudo Inspirado White is a cigar with complex flavors. It is made with a blend of high-quality tobacco from Indonesia, Sumatra, Mexico, and Nicaragua. The cigars are carefully hand-rolled and covered with a flawless Ecuadorian Connecticut wrapper. The aging process that these cigars go through is what gives them the distinguished Macanudo name.

Macanudo Inspirado Black

The Macanudo Inspirado Black is a new addition to the Inspirado Line, featuring a Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper that adds appeal. This cigar is designed for the more experienced and discerning smoker, with a blend of Mexican and Nicaraguan fillers complemented by Sumatra binders. Despite its sophistication, the cigar remains smooth and flavorful.

Macanudo Inspirado Green

It is fascinating to observe the multitude of countries that cultivate tobacco these days. Some countries focus on growing wrapper leaves, some on binders and fillers, and some produce the entire tobacco plant. The Macanudo Inspirado Green is a strong cigar with a distinct flavor from Brazilian Tobaccos, including the unique Brazilian Arapiraca that has never been used in a Macanudo blend before. The binder is from Indonesia with fillers sourced from the Dominican Republic and Colombia. It comes in three sizes (Robusto, Toro, and Churchill) and features the Macanudo Inspirado design. This cigar is targeted toward experienced cigar enthusiasts who appreciate complexity and strength.

M by Macanudo

The Macanudo M is a new cigar that pays tribute to the well-known Macanudo brand. It's the first of its kind in terms of flavor and is rolled in the Dominican Republic using Nicaraguan tobacco and blended with Gourmet Roasted Coffee. Cigar enthusiasts can purchase it at Cuenca Cigars Online.

M Bourbon by Macanudo

The Macanudo M Bourboun is the second flavor of cigars from the cigar world prestigious Macanudo brand. These new cigars pay tribute to the cigar world famous Macanudo brand and are rolled in the Dominican Republic.



The high quality of these premium Partagas cigars has made them top sellers in the United States. The blend includes Dominican and Mexican Filler tobaccos, and the wrapper is grown in Cameroon, West Africa. Originally created by renowned cigarmaker Ramón Cifuentes Toriello, the non-Cuban blend now uses super-premium tobaccos from around the globe through collaboration with General Cigars. The production of these cigars now takes place in a modern factory located in Santiago.


The Partagas Cigar brand has a fascinating history dating back to 1845 in Havana. Today, it is owned by the General Cigar Company and operates in the United States. Partagas is renowned for creating high-end handmade cigars using a blend of Dominican and Mexican filler tobaccos. Partagas Cigars are wrapped in Cameroon, either in a natural or Maduro version. This provides a rich, flavorful, and robust smoking experience that feels smooth and leaves the smoker entirely satisfied. Partagas Cigars are available in various Vitolas, such as Churchill, Cigarillos, Corona, Gordo, Presidente, and Robusto. To buy these premium cigars, place an order now at Cuenca Cigars, and take advantage of the best online price available.

Partagas Black Label

Partagas Black Label Cigars are unique compared to other Partagas cigars because they are full of rich and distinct flavors. These cigars are made with high-quality Nicaraguan and Cuban-seed Ligero fillers. The name "black" comes from the dark, oily Medio Tiempo sun-grown wrapper which gives the cigar an alluring appearance. The Partagas Black Label cigars are made with a wide ring gauge so that smokers can truly enjoy the rich flavor. They are full-bodied with a perfect construction and a smooth draw. These strong Nicaraguan cigars are available in various sizes such as Gordo, Pyramid, Robusto, and Toro. To purchase the Partagas Black Label cigars, visit Cuenca Cigars and enjoy the best online prices.

Partagas Legends

Introducing Partagas Legend, a new presentation of cigars that come in an attractive white lacquered box. These cigars are created to pay tribute to the historical people who made Partagas a legendary brand. They are handmade using the best aged Dominican tobacco and Honduras Olancho from San Agustin, wrapped with a dark and oily Connecticut Broadleaf. With meticulous construction, these cigars offer a fantastic and flavorful experience. You can find them in three different formats or vitolas. Shop for Partagas Legend now at Cuenca Cigars online.

Partagas Heritage

Cuenca Cigars now offers Partagas Heritage, a newly blended cigar that resembles the Cuban style. These cigars are handmade in the Dominican Republic and feature a Honduran Medio Tiempo tobacco wrapper with Nicaraguan fillers and binders to enhance the blend's strength.

Partagas 1845 Extra Oscuro

Partagas Cigars has released a new cigar called Partagas 1845 Extra Oscuro. These cigars have full strength and are made with premium tobaccos, including USA Connecticut Broadleaf wrappers and long-fillers. They offer a variety of flavors and are crafted with hand-selected tobacco for an enjoyable smoking experience. They come in boxes of 20 cigars.

Partagas 1845 Extra Fuerte

Partagas has introduced a new cigar called the Partagas 1845 Extra Fuerte, which is part of their 1845 series of cigars. This particular cigar contains a higher amount of ligeros and tobacco primings, which have undergone an additional period of barrel aging and fermentation. The cigars are handmade and available in Churchill, Gigante, Robusto, and Toro sizes. The cigar features a Honduran wrapper and US Havana binders, and is designed specifically for fans of spicy and flavorful full-bodied blends.



Punch Cigars

Punch cigars are a widely popular brand of premium cigars in the US. They offer a vast selection of brands of cigars, ranging from the strongest to medium, mild, and full-bodied cigars. Additionally, Punch cigars were the world the first brand to be made in Honduras, and to date, they're made from tobacco sourced from Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, and the USA.

Punch Classico

Punch Cigars are medium to full-bodied and can be enjoyed by all cigar lovers. These cigars are made using long-fillers from Nicaragua, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic, and bound by a Connecticut binder. The cigars are covered by a dark, oily wrapper that gives them a robust flavor. Although rich in flavor, these cigars are not overpowering, which makes them a favorite among cigar enthusiasts.

Punch Deluxe

The Punch Deluxe Cigars were launched in 1990 as an improved version of the previous Punch cigar line. They are made of Nicaraguan, Dominican, and Honduran long filler tobaccos that are covered in either a robust sun-grown wrapper Connecticut broadleaf or Ecuador Sumatra. These full-bodied cigars have rich flavors of earth, spice, cedar, and a touch of sweetness. Despite their complexity, they offer a smooth smoke that can be savored at any time.

Punch Diablo

Punch Diablo is a cigar that has a tempting four-country blend and is considered the boldest Punch yet. Master Blender AJ Fernandez has meticulously crafted this cigar using aged Nicaraguan and Honduran Habano leaves which are then wrapped with a deep, oscuro Ecuadoran Sumatra wrapper. To top it off, a bold Connecticut Broadleaf binder has been added to enhance the flavor. Smoking this cigar will be a spicy and intriguing experience that is sure to captivate you.

Punch Grand Cru

The Punch Gran Cru Cigars, which are part of the Punch cigar line, are crafted using a special blend of aged tobaccos sourced from Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic. The cigars have a mild to medium body and a smooth smoke due to the company made use of a Connecticut wrapper.

Punch Grand Puro

The Punch Gran Cru Cigars are a premium offering from the Punch cigar line, made with a carefully selected blend of tobaccos that have been aged for three to five years. They contain filler tobaccos from Honduras, Nicaragua, and the Dominican Republic, which are hand-rolled with a stunning Connecticut wrapper. These cigars have a mild to medium body and provide an incredibly smooth smoking experience.

Punch Knuckle Buster

Are you searching for a reasonably priced cigar that is not too strong and effortless to smoke? Punch Knuckle Buster is the perfect choice for new cigar enthusiasts. Its delightful blend offers a balanced flavor that is not too overpowering, making it a medium-strength cigar. It is an accessible, reasonably priced, and delicious cigar that caters to everyone.

Punch Rare Corojo

Non Cuban Brand Punch Rare Corojo Cigars are a limited edition blend that is only released once a year. These cigars have a core of long filler tobaccos sourced from Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, and Honduras. They are wrapped in a sun-grown Sumatra wrapper that is grown in the mountains of Ecuador. The combination of these ingredients creates a well-balanced, rich, and robust smoke with full flavor.



Diesel Cigars

These cigars are a collaboration between AJ Fernandez and Abdel Fernandez, who oversees both the tobacco blends and craftsmanship. Everything is taking place in Esteli, Nicaragua, where each tobacco was carefully hand-selected from AJ's farms to meet specific requirements and take advantage of Esteli's well-known tobacco strength and complexity. The cigars offer a strong aroma and spicy flavor that appeal to experienced smokers.

Diesel Esteli Puro

Are you searching for the ultimate Nicaraguan cigar? Look no further than Diesel Esteli Puro! Handcrafted by renowned cigar maker AJ Fernandez in his Nicaraguan factory, this is the top choice for aficionados. It boasts a perfect balance of bold flavors and is made entirely of tobacco from a single region in Nicaragua, making it both a Nicaraguan Puro and an Esteli Puro. Don't miss out on trying this exceptional smoke!

Diesel Hair Of The Dog LE

The new 2019 limited edition of Diesel Hair of the Dog is now available in cigar stores. It is a box-pressed Toro size, measuring 6 inches by 54 ring gauge. Made by A.J. Fernandez in Nicaragua, the cigar features an Ecuador Sumatra wrapper, Ecuador Habano binder, and Nicaraguan filler. It is a follow-up to last year's Diesel Whiskey Row.

Diesel Whiskey Row Sherry Cask

The handmade cigars from AJ Fernandez that were made in collaboration with General Cigars are very enjoyable. They have a dark Connecticut Broadleaf wrapper and are filled with some of the best Nicaraguan tobaccos. The binder, which is barrel-aged Brazilian Arapiraca, adds a woodsy flavor to the cigar. These high-end cigars can now be purchased at Cuenca Cigars.

Diesel Whiskey Row

The Diesel Whiskey Row is a recently launched cigar from the Diesel brand. The tobacco used in this cigar is aged in bourbon barrels provided by Rabbit Hole, a bourbon distillery situated in Louisville KY's “Whiskey Row”. This is AJ Fernandez's first time aging tobacco in bourbon barrels, which results in a distinctive aroma and smoking experience. The cigar has a medium body and a rich, well-balanced flavor.


CAO Cigars

CAO is a handmade cigar brand that was launched in 1993 by Cano Aret Ozgener. It is one of the most sought-after brands in the world market. In 2010 company, General Cigar acquired CAO and established it as an innovative brand in the cigar world. The CAO factory is located in Nicaragua.

CAO Bones

Introducing CAO Bones, the latest addition to the CAO cigar collection. These medium to full-strength cigars are designed to provide a good time. Created by brand ambassador Rick Rodriguez, they feature a USA Broadleaf wrapper and Connecticut Shade long-fillers, resulting in a tasty and flavorful smoke. The tobacco is carefully chosen by hand to produce a bold flavor. You can find them in 20-count boxes.

CAo Flathead Steel Horse

The CAO Flathead Steel Horse Cigars are a part of the famous CAO Flathead series, which is inspired by motorcycle culture. They are made from a blend of tobacco from five different nations, including Nicaraguan, Honduran, and Dominican long-fillers. The blend is balanced with a Brazilian Arapiraca binder and a dark brown Connecticut Habano Oscuro wrapper. The smoke is medium to full-bodied and offers a range of enjoyable flavors.

CAO Flathead Cameroon

The CAO Flathead Cameroon Cigars are strong, flavorful cigars that draw inspiration from the muscle cars and pin-up girls of 1950s America. They are made with a blend of Nicaraguan and Dominican fillers held together by a Connecticut Habano binder and coated with a well-aged Ecuadorian Connecticut Maduro wrapper.

CAO Pilon

CAO Pilon Cigars are a fantastic creation by the talented team at CAO Cigars, known for their innovative blends. These cigars are made using a 19th-century fermentation process called circular pilon, where the tobacco is laid in a circular pattern to ensure a slow fermentation process. This intensifies the flavors and enriches the color. The blend includes Nicaraguan and Dominican tobaccos with an Ecuadorian Habano Viso wrapper, producing a medium-bodied smoke with plenty of flavors. The palate will be coated with notes of cedar, nuts, cocoa, pepper, and spices.


Who is General Cigar?

General Cigar is a company that makes and sells high-quality handmade premium cigars worldwide. They are a subsidiary of the Scandinavian Tobacco Group and have been in business for 114 years. General Cigar is also the world's largest producer of cigars and pipe tobacco. Below are some of their top-selling brands.

How can they sell Cohiba Cigars?

General Cigar registered trademark in the USA in 1981and curtailed all contact with the company and legal affairs to prevent the company from any untoward situation. Hence, in 1995, they again registered their trademark and now are selling Cohiba Cigars, a Cuban Brand despite the US embargo. All the tobacco used to construct their blends are grown outside Cuba, but the old style and traditional blends still are part of the non-Cuban brands Cohiba Cigars.

What cigars are the best cigars for beginners?

Some of the best cigars for beginners' are the soft and mild Macanudo cigars. They are blended using a vain-less, light color Natural Connecticut Shade tobacco leaves that are aged for at least 5 years before handmade this excellent cigar.

What Cigars AJ Fernandez manufactured for General Cigars?

Cuban born master blender, AJ. Fernandez has so far manufactured two full-bodied versions of Hoyo de Monterrey for General Cigars as well as the Diesel Cigars line. All iconic Cuban brands are made in Nicaragua for the U.S. market.

Why these cigars are so popular?

General Cigar is a leading company in the handmade premium cigar industry, with three factories and over 114 years of experience. They make non-Cuban versions of famous Cuban cigar brand, using tobacco sourced from Nicaragua, the Dominican Republic, and Honduras. The quality of their cigars is never compromised, and they offer several brands with famous Cuban cigar names. These premium cigars brands are available at competitive prices.

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