Freyja Cigars
Freyja Vallhalla Robusto is a mild to medium cigar, this cigar is originally from the Dominican Republic which makes it a very prestige and respected between customers. The Freyja Vallhalla Robusto is composed with Dominican Piloto Cubano, Dominican Criollo 98, and also Nicaraguan Esteli Fillers, blend in with a Mexican San Andres Binder, and finally wrapped in with a Dominican Criollo 98 wrapper. The Freyja Vallhalla Robusto has a size of 5 1/2 X 50 and is brought in a special wooden Natural box in a set of 21. This handcrafted masterpiece and also beautiful cigar is for sale now with a special price online at and also at your favorite cigars store Cuenca Cigars.