Fratello Cigars
Fratello Timacle Cigars are another premium cigar that entered the market and won the palate of the smokers. These cigars are scrupulously handmade by the skilled workers in Nicaragua. A blend of Nicaraguan and Peruvian long fillers fill the core of the cigars. An Ecuadorian Sumatra binder binds them and a Nicaraguan Habano wrapper enfolds them neatly. This concoction delivers medium body strength with an array of flavors including earth, spices and pepper. The smooth cigar burns consistently and ends leaving a creamy finish on the palate. The Fratello Timacle Cigars are made in Double Toro shape in the size of 6x60. These are available in set of 20 cigars packed in wooden boxes. To buy these luxurious cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.