Fratello Cigars
Fratello Robusto Cigars are premium luxurious cigar which is a new gift to smoke lovers. Made in Nicaragua these cigars are beautifully handcrafted by skilled workers. These cigars feature a blend of Nicaraguan and Peruvian long fillers in their core while an Ecuadorian Sumatra binder holds them in place. A Nicaraguan Habano wrapper enwraps them from outside tightly. Rolled into Robusto shape these cigars boast a medium body profile. They get earthy flavors from the fillers and spicy taste from the wrapper. Added to that a long, creamy finish makes the smoking experience even more pleasing. These Fratello Robusto Cigars are made in the size of 5 1/2 x 52 and packed in set of 20. They are available classic wooden boxes. To buy these handcrafted cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.