Fonseca Cigars
Fonseca Cubano Exclusivo Robusto Cigars are distinct premiums in the Quesada portfolio. These cigars are heartier in flavours and strength than other Fonseca cigars yet smooth as always. They are blended with both mild Dominican and rich Nicaraguan tobaccos to create a balance of flavours. They are rolled in a very rare sun grown Dominican Habano Vuelta Arriba leaf. The result is a medium bodied cigar with well-rounded flavours of cedar, tobacco, spices and pepper. They would certainly change your perception of a Fonseca cigar and yet again prove the calibre of Manuel Quesada as a cigar maker. The Robusto size is 5 1/2 inches long with a ring gauge of 52. They come in wooden cases of 20. Buy these Fonseca Cubano Exclusivo Robusto Cigars at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.