Take your cigar experience to a whole new level with Fonseca by My Father's Toro Gordo cigars. These top-of-the-line, handcrafted cigars promise not just a great smoking experience but an enjoyable one as well.
Crafted from the finest Nicaraguan tobaccos and enclosed with gorgeous Rosado Shade-Grown Corojo 99 wrappers, each 6 x 55 Toro gordo cigar is sure to make an impression. And with a generous box of 20, you can share the experience of luxury and relaxation with friends and family.
Fonseca by My Father delivers an extraordinary smoking experience like no other. Our unique blending process creates a smooth smoke that's incredibly flavorful and balanced throughout the entire length of the cigar. The draw is perfect, never too loose again and again allowing you the chance to fully appreciate our full-bodied flavor notes composed of nutty undertones and hints of herbaceous sweetness.
The most intense aficionados will be impressed by our attention to detail, from the even burn to the delightful wrapper aroma that only grows richer over time. Make Fonseca by My Father Toro Gordo your choice for an evening spent in luxurious indulgence!