Flor de Oliva Cigars
Flor de Oliva Toro Cigars are very affordable yet top quality premium cigars. These are produced in Esteli, Nicaragua by the experienced rollers using top priming tobaccos. The base of these stogies is made of Dominican and Nicaraguan long fillers which are concealed by a beautiful Sumatra wrapper. This concoction delivers a medium bodied smoke marked by fine balance and complexity of flavours. They release thick plumes of smoke and coat the palate with notes of rich caramel, cashew and sweet spice. Certainly one of the delicious cigars in the market with such an easy price tag. The Flor de Oliva Toro Cigars have a size of 6 x 50. They come in bundles of 20. To buy these easy on the pocket cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.