Flor de Oliva Cigars
Flor de Oliva 852 Cigars are well-crafted premium cigars that are priced very economically. Produced in Esteli, Nicaragua they feature only top class tobaccos that offer a beautiful medley of flavours and adequate complexity. A mix of Nicaraguan and Dominican long fillers lies at the base of these stogies. On the top it is layered with a gorgeous Sumatra wrapper that is ripe in richness. Altogether they create a delicious medium bodied smoke that is both complex and balanced. It coats the palate with savoury notes of nuts, caramel and sweet spices along with a long lasting finish. You can enjoy these beauties without worrying of spending a hefty amount. The Flor de Oliva 852 Cigars are rolled in the size of 8 x 52 vitolas. They are available in bundles of 20. To buy these everyday delicious cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.