Flor De Las Antillas Toro Gordo Cigars are premium handcrafted cigars released from the brand of My Father Cigars. These are Cuban cigars made to honor the origin of the company. As obvious, their choice of tobaccos for this blend is Cuban seed grown fillers and binder. For the wrapper, their selection is a Nicaraguan wrapper which is sun grown and has a natural hue along with a lustrous look. This combination results in a full body smoke that is noted for its ultra-smooth character and fine balance of flavors. Crafted in Toro Gordo shape these cigars boast a masterful construction and even burn. The Flor De Las Antillas Toro Gordo Cigars are packed in set of 20 cigars which have the size of 6 1/2 x 56. Their packaging which is very elaborately done deserves special mention. To buy these luxurious cigars place an order at Cuenca Cigars and get the best online price.