Timeless Cigars
The latest release of Ferio Tego Cigars is available at Cuenca Cigar Shop. Ferio Tego Timeless Supreme 660 is comprised of the best Nicaraguan Tobaccos aiming to cigar aficionados in the lookup of complexity, strength, and flavourful smokes.
These premium handmade cigars are made by Plasencia Family exclusively for Ferio Tego Cigars. These are unique blends made for passionated cigar fans. Made entirely of Nicaraguan tobacco to create a fully balanced box-pressed cigar.
Browse our collection or order yours today.
Cuenca Cigars, located in historic Downtown Hollywood, is a cigar hoop for the Cigar Community. We pride ourselves on high-quality smokes, excellent customer service, and a humble, comfortable, knowable environment. If you have never visited Cuenca Cigar Shop, feel free to do it! We will make you feel at Home.